Spirituality and Religion

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Those who talk about ancestors, we can really laugh at them sometimes. Have you seen all the peoples you talk about celebrating their ancestors? At what point? Do Americans do it? The English? The Germans? The Chinese? And do you know who your ancestors are? Do you know what their practices were, their worship?

We have seen in the past that the people of Israel turned away from the ways of their ancestors who had known Moses or Joshua, to adhere to the practices of the encountered peoples, related to Baal worship. Now, I pose a question: if your first ancestor practiced tradition t1, the second turned away from it and practiced t2, and currently, you are at the nth who practices tradition tp (assuming it changes after a few generations), when you say you honor your ancestors, which of the past p traditions do you apply? If ancestor 1 could consider you cursed because you practice tradition p, how do you really honor ancestor 1 by finding and returning to tradition 1?

Or for you, honoring ancestors means praying over their skulls? Where have you reached with this compared to other peoples who do not do this (Chinese, Americans, Indians…)? If for you honoring your ancestors means adopting their religion, if you do not know ancestor t1, how do you know what his religion was?

I just want someone who can give me their ancestry 42 generations up, and especially tell me the practices of that time among their ancestors. With this, things now seem very clear in my mind. I now believe I know what the problem is with our current traditions and customs. In fact, tradition is essentially another form of religion. Among us and among some, initially, it was exactly the Jewish religion, based on the Old Testament. But as seen many times in the Old Testament, through contact with other peoples, Israel too often adopted the practices of these peoples and included the practices related to Baal or other gods into their practices.

Such a mixture leads to new traditions that are no longer the original ancestral traditions, and which greatly irritate God. Hence the sufferings and persecutions that the Bamileke people have had, very explainable in the sense of the threats that God made in the Bible, up to slavery. It is therefore a question of our traditions being rid of the weeds, just as the teachings of the churches must also be rid of the weeds. The devil has struck everywhere, from all sides, to pervert every worship of God and introduce elements that have nothing to do with God, which people do thinking that it was like this from the beginning and that it is what is good. Then, they try to find in the Bible justifications for what does not come from the Bible, taking isolated verses and twisting their meaning at will.

I believe that not having quickly changed the biblical text is the key to finding the truth! Especially on the spiritual side, one of the ancestors may have worshiped the Lord according to Moses’ prescriptions, and others came and added the worship of Baal, which angered God, hence genocides, deportations, slaveries… And today, for some, honoring ancestors would be perpetuating this worship of Baal!

The story of Nehemiah in the Bible is very telling in this regard. When Nehemiah rebuilt the wall after the desolation, he had the law read to the people. They realised that there were prescriptions that had not been done since Joshua. That is, for the contemporaries, these practices were not part of the traditions, while they were indeed the practices of their ancestors. That is why I ask those people how they know that the current practices are the ancestral practices?

I am not blindly against customs. There have been many false teachings in the churches on the issue and on several other issues. Unfortunately, as I will show, many current customs are not part of the heritage passed down by our ancestors. They have strayed from it to our misfortune. On one side (church), as on the other (tradition), the good grain must be separated from the weeds.

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8

1 And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded to Israel. 2 And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month. 3 And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law. 5 And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people; (for he was above all the people;) and when he opened it, all the people stood up: 6 And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground. 8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

Some Questions for Those Who Claim to be Pro-Tradition Against Christianity and Whose People Have Experienced Slavery and Colonization

Part 2: Note – Read Everything Before Starting to Answer

  1. Were your gods, your spirituality, your traditions present when you were colonized? When you were enslaved? Why don’t you blame them for not defending your cause?
  2. After more than 5,000 years of your spirituality (the Kamite calendar is in the year six thousand two hundred something), you couldn’t defend yourself against the invader, nor produce appreciable technology despite your internal wars. The visible results were slavery, colonization, curses… a. Why would Christianity suddenly be responsible for all your woes in less than 200 years, as you see it, and as you mostly pretend to practice it without truly adhering to it?
  3. Why, among Westerners who also don’t have Christianity as their base religion (it’s also an imported religion for them), didn’t Christianity prevent their development (despite its official adoption over their traditions) and would have only hindered yours?
  4. Does Christianity ask you to be wicked, thieves, unjust, corrupt… factors known for underdevelopment?
  5. In 5,000 years, your spirituality, your tradition couldn’t produce great technology, why would it suddenly do so now?
  6. In fact, what good has it produced on a public and societal level (nation or city scale) that is known?
  7. Do you know the traditions of your ancestors from 42 generations ago? Can you describe them?
  8. As a man of God, I receive people who have locked others in chains, people who have been locked in chains, sometimes since their grandparents, I see people who suffer from ancestral curses, people who suffer from demonic or spiritual oppressions and are sent towards traditions or whose causes are attributed to traditions. I don’t know anyone who has definitively come out of these things just by applying traditions. Sometimes they have lulls, sometimes even aggravations. I show them the true path of definitive deliverance in Christ. Some accept and see their lives transformed. This is one of the reasons why I say that these traditions seem to have mainly produced curses.
  9. When a political regime or a DG produces bad results, the reflex is generally to change. Wanting to cling to something whose record after 5,000 years is catastrophic seems to be irrational at the highest level. Especially since we accept to copy Western technology and its products, their sciences in various fields, and we choose to forget that it was with official Christianity and without our traditions that they achieved it, and that we, with our traditions, did not get further than slavery and colonization.
  10. Why has Ethiopia, which has known Christianity since its beginnings, and which has a truly fundamental official Christianity, never been colonized?
  11. I am not saying to abandon all our traditions. There are many good things, much good grain. However, it has been mixed with much chaff. The same is true of what people usually call Christianity today. There is good grain, but much chaff. True Christianity is little known and has very few adherents in proportion. What is more popularly and commonly called Christianity is a falsification of Christianity, just as bad as today’s traditions, because of the mixture of good grain and chaff. I will send you a summary of the authentic and true Christianity, the one I defend.
  12. Finally, if you read Deuteronomy 28, you will see that God promised curses, slavery, and colonization to His people if they turned away from His ways, and blessings otherwise. So, having suffered these things, why don’t we have the wisdom to recognize the fulfillment of the prophecy, and instead choose to remain in this detour?

Tomorrow I will send you another text to remind you of the Jewish origins of the Bamileke, so that you better understand who you are, if you are part of them. I hope you watched the TikTok video I sent you about the land of the Jews and the ancient Hebrews. That you saw what I told you about Ezekiel. Meditate without passion, just with reason. Meanwhile, I invite you to the discovery of true christianity

Read and meditate Deuteronomy 28


Follow the Series on Christianity and Traditions Here

Series on Our Origins, Christianity, and Traditions, to listen to for a good understanding. If you don’t have time to follow everything, you can start with this summary audio


This is the entire series

https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/af229907-1841-49b4-86f7- 66fff63cecb7/episodes/5ddb5dc7-c3ce-47df-8ed1-7b7f920ab2b5/amourroyaume-et-justice-de-dieu-origines-tradition

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//end christianity and religion

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Read and Reflect on Ezekiel 16

Some Points to Ponder

  1. If you are from West Cameroon, try to say “child of water” in your language. Compare it to the name “Moses” or “Moshe” (the pronunciation of Moses in Hebrew). You will see that it is almost the same. Why this coincidence when in Western or even Eastern languages (those who are supposed to have brought us the Bible), Moses means nothing?
  2. At the end of the Christian prayer, we say “Amen.” If you try to say “It is finished” in your language, you will see that it is almost the same. Note that the slight difference in pronunciation should not mislead you, as sometimes in our languages we write “u” and read “ou.”
  3. Read Ezekiel 16 in the Bible. This text is a bombshell. Here is the beginning of the chapter in Ezekiel: Ezekiel 16:1-3 “Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.” It also recalls what should happen at birth and provides a prophetic foundation for baptism and how to deal with a “newborn.” But its bombshell aspect is more marked in verse 3, where it gives the origin of Jerusalem. The Canaanites are supposed to be black people. The Hittites and Amorites are descendants of Canaan (Genesis 10 for the genealogies. Hittites = sons of Heth, first son of Canaan). What, then, is this Jerusalem? Solomon is the son of the wife of Uriah, who was a Hittite. If David was white and Uriah black, how could he have imagined making Uriah believe that the pregnancy of Uriah’s wife was from Uriah? Jesus himself has several Canaanite women in his ancestry (https://wp.unil.ch/allezsavoir/les-aieules-sulfureuses-de-jesus/).
  4. It was promised to Abraham the land of Canaan as an inheritance for his descendants (Genesis 12:5-7). This is the land presented to Joshua (Joshua 13). The Philistines are Canaanites (Genesis 10:14), and Gaza is inhabited by the Philistines (Joshua 13). Do you see what is wrong?
  5. In Acts 2, which describes the beginning of the church, it mentions the presence of Africans from several nations (Libyans, Egyptians…). Philip then baptises the Ethiopian eunuch. Why would some think that it was Rome, which savagely killed Christians in AD 64, or other Westerners who brought Christianity to Africa? If you have TikTok, also visit these links to reflect on them (we do not guarantee their accuracy, but they are worth meditating on). The Land of the Ancient Jews https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMTj4CkR/

Were the Jews Black? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMTjWb98/

Non-exhaustive List of Hebrews https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMT6MC9u/

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