Our Believes

Fundamental pillars

1The acceptance and application of the two greatest commandments ( love of God and love of neighbor ) and their recognition with the love and justice of God as being the basis and spirit of the entire Bible
2Recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, only Son of God from the Father
3To become a Christian: believe in Christ and accept him as Lord and savior, confess him with his mouth, believe in his heart that he has been raised from the dead, repent , be baptized in water , if possible by immersion in pure water (natural and preferably flowing), by an authentic Christian who lives in sanctification and the fear of God, and who himself has been baptized thus
4Jesus Christ has freed us from sin. He who still lives in sin does not know Christ and is destined to perdition, even if he has a very religious life and talks a lot about Christ. The love of God consists in keeping his commandments. We must walk in righteousness and holiness
5Accept and apply the Ten Commandments. Maintain wisdom and reflection, develop knowledge of God and his word
6We must not have any contact, use any service of magician, soothsayer, astrologer, enchanter, person who consults the dead, sorcerer, marabout, person who consults the spirits. We should not consult horoscopes or any other form of divination, use statues or crosses. We must not make any communication with the dead.
7Jesus Christ is Son of God. This God of whom he is the Son is our God and is also the God of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not equal to God the father.
8Do not associate ourselves with any worship of another deity (Allah, Buddha, Mary, Janus, etc.), or with festivals relating to dissolution in Christianity (Christmas, New Year, Easter, Assumption, Ascension). We do, however, recognize the feast of Passover (without s). Allah, the divinity of Islam, is not the Lord, the God of Christians.
9Be quick to forgive, to ask for forgiveness. Avoid judging hastily or based on appearance . Always show love and charity. Seek first God’s love and justice
10When we are in obedience and within the framework of God’s promises, we recognize by Faith that he can deliver us from all danger, bring us all that we need despite all adversity, that he is powerful to accomplish his promises, and that it is his favor that we must seek first. We do not, however, dictate how it will do so.

Main beliefs

NB: when CI yes CE is 2, this means that someone can be sincerely committed to Christ and have another opinion on the matter. We then simply consider him to be in error.

NumTHISTHISSome of our main beliefs

I. The fundamental pillars
211Our Faith is based on what we read in the Bible first. Everything that God subsequently revealed must be non-contradictory to the written text of the Bible to be admissible.
311We must continually develop our knowledge of God, and we must maintain wisdom and reflection
412Learning the fundamentals of logic is important so as not to get caught up in false doctrines
512All Scripture is built on the foundation of God’s love and justice, translated into the two greatest commandments
611We reject dogmas or other curious, even stupid, things that should be accepted as mysteries of the Faith, when this is totally opposed to reason.
712We consider editions of the Bible after 1910 to be unreliable (current French, mots de vie, parole vivant, TOB, Louis Second 2007, etc.), some of which are real falsifications.
811Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, the only Son of God from the Father, dead for our sins, resurrected and alive
912Jesus Christ is Son of God. This God of whom he is the Son is our God and is also the God of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not his equal.
1011Jesus Christ came to announce to us repentance and the kingdom of heaven, and this is what he also sent us to preach
1112To become fully Christian, we must believe in Jesus, confess Him with our mouth, repent, be water baptized in pure water, and walk in righteousness and holiness
1211Jesus Christ has freed us from sin. He who still lives in sin does not know Christ and is destined to perdition, even if he has a very religious life and talks a lot about Christ. The love of God consists in keeping his commandments.
1311He who believes in Jesus Christ recognizes that Jesus Christ gives him the strength to walk according to the commandments, this is not an ability he had without Christ
1411We must seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God
1511We must live in respect and on the foundation of the two greatest commandments: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment and this is the second, which is similar to it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
1611We must not address prayers to Mary, to angels, to saints, to ancestors, to the dead. This is disobedience and the creation of another god
1711We must not make or use any statue for religious purposes, this is a serious transgression
1812We must not use a physical cross or any cross-shaped work that would be a testimony or manifestation of our Faith in Jesus, this is idolatry. Nor should we make the sign of the cross over ourselves.
1911We must always be willing to forgive those who have offended us, show love, mercy, gratitude, keep the ten commandments
2011We must not have any contact, use any service of magician, soothsayer, astrologer, enchanter, person who consults the dead, sorcerer, marabout, person who consults the spirits. We should not consult horoscopes or any other form of divination. We must not make any communication with the dead.
2111We must not make a blood sacrifice
2211We must not practice spiritualism, nor use fetishes or objects supposed to protect us spiritually, or do “shielding”
2311We must not live in injustice or iniquity just because our sins would be forgiven. This is the path to perdition
2411We must show our love for God and build our wealth for God, not just petition Him.
2512there are false dreams and we do not necessarily see in each dream a message from God
2611We are saved by Faith, but this Faith is manifested and accompanied by the works of Faith, and keeps us from the works of perdition. So, if we are still in sin, in the works of perdition, it is because we do not have Faith
2711We are justified by grace. However, it does not give us the right to live in sin, because he who lives in sin annuls grace towards him and is destined to perdition. We cannot repent and continue in a life of sin
2811Repentance involves 1) confession of the sin committed, 2) regret for having committed said sin, 3) asking for forgiveness, 4) sincere commitment to abandon it, and 5) a few times if possible the repair.
2911We recognize that we are led by the Spirit of God when we walk in love, righteousness, and keeping God’s commandments, as well as when our heart is God’s.
3012Through water baptism and keeping the commandments, each of us becomes a temple of the living God
3112Water baptism prepares us to receive the Spirit of God, but this is not necessarily simultaneous
3212God distributes spiritual gifts as He pleases. Speaking in tongues is not a “required gift” to prove that one has received the Spirit of God. Not every Christian is obligated to manifest spiritual gifts
3312We do not say amen to those who speak in tongues without anyone interpreting and without us understanding.
3412The Lord’s Supper must be taken by baptized, repentant people, and must not have any leftovers saved for later. It is best to take it once a year at Easter
3512The only holiday that could be recognized as Christian is the Passover feast where the Lord’s Supper is shared, celebrated on the 14th day of the first month of the Jewish calendar. It has nothing to do with the Easter festival celebrated by various denominations, and which would be the resurrection of Jesus.
3611If we don’t walk in God’s ways, we either haven’t had salvation at all, or we can lose it.
3712Water baptism alone does not represent new birth, it also requires birth of spirit
3811Faith is total trust in God and his promises. A firm assurance of things hoped for, a demonstration of things not seen.
3911Vengeance belongs to God, we must not take revenge ourselves
4012Believing in Jesus is what saves, not “believing in Jesus”
4112The baptism of the Holy Spirit is given by Jesus Christ Himself, and is therefore not the baptism He commanded His disciples to give. It is not enough to say that you believe in Jesus Christ to claim to have been baptized with the Holy Spirit
4212The reception of the Holy Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Spirit are three distinct things
43117 pillars are important for a Christian life of victory over curses and evil forces, and for a life of blessings: 1) repentance 2) water baptism in water 3) sanctification 4) birth of the Spirit 5) Faith 6) putting off 7) putting on the armor of God
4412We must maintain the observance of the weekly Sabbath, preferably on Saturday, while taking into account the imperative needs
4512We do not make the sign of the cross over ourselves
4612Anyone who believes and repents can be baptized in water the same day. No need for months of teaching and observation
4712Children capable of knowledge and intelligence can be baptized, not babies.
4811Homosexuals have no part in the Kingdom of God
4912Islam is an antichrist and does not have the same God as Christianity
5012Catholicism is more likely antichrist and baal worship than anything else
5111There are many people who sincerely seek God in Catholicism, Islam and all denominations in error, and as much as possible we must help them return to the truth, and always show them unconditionally our love.
5211We do not consult horoscopes (product of astrologers)
5312There are many false supposedly Christian religions, which generally break at least one of the pillars of Christianity, to lead people to perdition.
5412Before appropriating a promise from the Bible as applying to yourself, you must ensure that you are the dentinary, because certain promises are intended only for those to whom you were speaking at the time of the promise and not for all
5512There is no opposition between Faith and reason, and becoming a Christian is not becoming a moron

Hebrews 6:1-2 recalls some essential foundations of Christian doctrine
5711The believer must be trained to avoid basic errors of logic, the foundation on which many false teachings are built.
5812We cannot force God’s help to come in the form of miracles. We must take our medicines if we are sick, while praying
5911Christianity is not an invitation to laziness, the Christian must be a model worker
6011Whatever our situation, we must be able to show love for our neighbors and for those in need through charity, services rendered, generosity, assistance to the extent of our possibilities.
6111We do not sell anointing oil and recommend that people do not purchase it. If we want to use oil, take oil provided by the one who needs it (not called anointing) and use it.
6211The pastor must not take authority over a home in place of the husband

11He who seems to have spiritual gifts, but who lives in iniquity, fornication, adultery, sin may have another origin of his gifts than the Spirit of God.

11We must be led by the Spirit of God, not just say we have it.

11We should be concerned about being “rich unto God” and building treasures in heaven

11The apparent answering of one’s prayers is not proof that one’s denomination or doctrine or conduct is right.

11Miracles performed by someone are not proof that he is not a false prophet or a false pastor. Test it according to the rules for recognizing false prophets and false pastors
64121. Tithing has nothing to do with Christianity. In Christianity, everyone participates in the assistance intended for the saints, through their offerings and their liberalities, without any constraint and with joy.
6512Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, just like the Assumption
6612Many seemingly Christian denominations are also falsifications of Christianity or antichrists
6711We must show peace, love and gentleness to Muslims, Catholics and all people in religions that do not lead to salvation. We must pray for them and present the truth to them whenever possible
6822Among the Cameroonians, there are Israelites, but not everyone is necessarily Israelite. It is the same in general among blacks.
6921The one who became a Christian being a virgin must do what is necessary to arrive at her marriage as a virgin.
7022We are free to eat any food that is edible, but we recommend observing the dietary laws of the Torah, not for reasons of purity or impurity, but simply for reasons of health and dietetics.
7122Polygamy is not prohibited by the Bible
7211We do not try to conform to what people have usually taught, but to what seems to us to be true in regard to the scriptures, the facts, the revelations and the principles governing the understanding of the scriptures,
7322It is important to get rid of locks, rings, chains, perfumes, varnishes, music or inappropriate readings. These things in themselves are not necessarily sin, but lead to sin, or even the company of demons or disease, or curses.
7422The spouses are considered married as soon as the dowry has taken place
7511Adultery must be avoided like the plague, as must impudence