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Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets; and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Here are some criteria to distinguish the true from the false, so as not to be led astray or deceived, as many confuse the presence of miracles with the presence of God. I am not saying that all those who perform miracles are false; there are indeed authentic ones. I am simply providing some guidelines to recognize them. For details, click here

Recognising the False Prophet, the False Pastor, Simplified Version

Be cautious of chasing after false prophets who bind you to the devil through miracles, which you will later pay for with your soul or through suffering and problems.

The sign of authenticity of a supposed prophet is not the miracle, but sanctification, a life away from iniquity. The initial criteria for a potential true prophet are as follows:

  1. A pure, blameless life, away from iniquity.
  2. Preaching based on repentance and the kingdom of heaven, sanctification, reminding people that the ultimate solution to their problems is renunciation of sin and adherence to a life of sanctification. Obedience and trust in God, without compromise; the development of the knowledge of God.
  3. Absence of commercialism regarding the supposed power from God (Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give”) and the presentation of tithing as the mandatory key that unlocks all blessings, and which must be given.
  4. Reminding that it is Jesus Christ who saves and delivers; no other, no other name or object.
  5. A message in line with the Word, that does not twist the meaning of the scriptures to the ruin of those who listen. A message that does not emphasise worldly concerns, and a God who would be merely our servant for our worldly concerns in exchange for our prayers or money.
  6. Absence of creating any dependence where the subject feels they cannot do without, between those who follow him and him or objects from him (for example, if one distances oneself from him or his objects or software, one begins to feel unwell, an irresistible urge to return to him, misfortunes begin to reach them…).
  7. Absence of rings, chains, symbols, or various other objects used in magic or occultism.
  8. Denouncing false religions, non-Christian practices of various denominations.

As soon as any of these elements are missing, regardless of the miracles present, it is mostly likely the manifestation of a false prophet.

It is said in the Bible, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

If a supposed prophet meets the criteria above to make it appear that he sincerely believes himself to be a true prophet, he should be asked to make the following statements in front of people who will respond “Amen”:

  1. In accordance with the Bible, may the Lord God deal with me in all His severity and strike me very hard on my health, in a manner visible to all and preventing me from continuing to operate within a year, if I consciously use anything other than the power that comes solely from Him to perform my miracles.
  2. In accordance with the Bible, may the Lord God deal with me in all His severity and strike me very hard on my health, in a manner visible to all and preventing me from continuing to operate within a year, if I consciously live in iniquity that I am aware of while claiming to be His prophet.

If the supposed prophet cannot make these statements verbally, it is clear that he has something to hide.

To learn more about the supposed prophet, observe, question, or conduct a Google or YouTube search with “false prophet” followed by his name.

However, assess the relevance of accusations to avoid considering baseless claims or those without verifiable facts, or take them with caution…

When a supposed prophet has shown the initial criteria listed and made the two mentioned statements, it is then necessary for each person who wants to strengthen their conviction to seek the face of God, asking Him to enlighten them (through dreams, signs, the Bible, or any other means) to confirm that he is indeed His prophet.

But if the supposed prophet cannot make these statements or if the listed criteria are not met, it is more likely that he is a false prophet, regardless of his miracles, videos, and claims.

Do not be deceived by the fact that two or three criteria are met. All criteria must be met. One unverified criterion is problematic.

References: Matthew 24:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, Matthew 7:20-23, Matthew 10:8, Acts 20:33-35, Mark 6:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Hebrews 12:14, Hosea 6:6; 1 Timothy 6:5-11

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