Answers to Various Questions from Anti-Christians

Here we address some various questions from anti-Christians. The questions are numbered and the answers follow.

  1. Who or what is God to you? How do you characterise Him? A: God is the creator of man and all things. He is very much alive and has a will. For more information, consult the article The Proof That God Exists.
  2. As a Christian, what is the truth to you? What is justice? Is it universal? Is it relative? A: a) What truth is to me matters little. You should act according to the truth for you, that is what counts. In summary, everyone should act according to what they consider to be the truth in good conscience while being willing to question themselves and seek if there is any doubt or clear evidence that this might not be true. b) Justice is even simpler. “Do not do to others what you would not want done to you if you were in their place.” This is a simple criterion to determine if what you are doing is just. To go further, I refer to Article 1240 of the Civil Code, which exists in most jurisdictions, as a sort of foundation of justice: Art 1240: “Any act of man that causes damage to another obliges the one by whose fault it occurred to repair it.”Once again, it is not philosophy that matters here, but good conscience. The foundations of justice are established, and for you, before considering something to be just, your own conscience must give you the conviction that it is just. If you are convinced in your conscience, then it must be in accordance with the principles stated here. If you are a Christian, it must also be in accordance with the law of God. Finally, it must comply with the civil laws of your country. This is simple; the rest is just off-topic discussion. The base is not that we agree on a definition of justice, but that you at least do what you believe to be just. Then, you must adhere to the rules of justice established in your society.I believe this answers your questions on universality and relativity. It is more important to be just than to seek the definition of justice as an excuse to live in injustice.
  3. As a scientist, what do you think of the theory of evolution? A: See the article The Proof That God Exists.
  4. You mentioned Pascal’s wager and called it prudence. Do you not find Pascal’s wager to be mathematically foolish? A: Why would it be? See the article The Proof That God Exists. Furthermore, as a specialist in risk management based on mathematical formalism, the opposite would be mathematically foolish.
  5. Is the ideal of peace, justice, and love that you advocate not merely an ideal inherently impossible to achieve?A: Yes, it is impossible to achieve for those who have not known Jesus Christ. Once you know Jesus Christ, you realise that what seemed impossible becomes natural. It is easy to achieve for those who are in Christ.
  6. When you invite me to experience Christ and everything, are you ready to experience Muhammad and live according to his precepts (in other words, outside of Christ, have you done any other experimentation)? A: I cannot experience Muhammad because he is dead. You do not experiment with the dead. Christ is alive. I ask you to enter into a relationship with a living being, not with a dead one. Before Christ, I experienced the absence of Christ. That said, we do not experiment for the sake of experimentation. The experience should aim to solve a problem. Jesus Christ has the authority and promises that no one else has. So why experiment with others?a. None other is alive. b. None other has the promise of peace, eternal life, and joy. c. None other has the promise of my protection, my health, and other promises. d. None, especially, has promised to give me victory over sin, to free me from sin. Muhammad himself claims to be only a warner and does not have this power. None died for me. None offered for me the atoning sacrifice so that I no longer have to offer one. e. None has the position and authority of Jesus Christ. f. None has promised the Spirit of God and a real relationship with God. Then, I prefer to ask those who have experienced others if they have been able to achieve what is listed above. When someone already says they do not have peace, are not free from sin, do not have concrete, palpable manifestations of God or His Spirit… Why should I experiment with their way, especially when they do not even have the promise? We seek progress, not regression. And we do not test solutions that do not work for those who use them.
  7. You seem to suggest that there are multiple Christianities, some bad and some good, which you claim to master. In a scenario where I have several Christians, each with an interpretation (since it involves allegories subject to interpretation) that is slightly different, why do you think your interpretation should be considered true? By what authority are you the master and the other amateurs (in the sense of a board game)? How do we measure the good faith of each? How can we evaluate the truthfulness of each interpretation? A: If you were seeking the truth, you would not question my interpretation but would read for yourself to form your own. The people you refer to do not have their interpretation. They generally have never read the Bible, let alone misinterpret it. They have limited themselves to what others have taught them. I would not even say that these others have misinterpreted because it would require knowing their real intentions. If you are of good faith, I can provide you with many Bible texts for you to read and interpret yourself. You can even read the whole Bible. But if you are more interested in debating than seeking the truth, you will remain in this kind of questioning. What I call the art of being off-topic. And if you want to imagine other Christianities than the one I defend, know that I do not defend these other Christianities, but only the one I have presented. I await what you have against it.
  8. Isn’t believing a word that invites us to stop thinking? Does not belief oppose knowledge? Can we measure belief in the same way we measure knowledge? A: See the article The Proof That God Exists. All science is based on axioms, which are accepted without proof (this is mathematically proven). Then, we build theorems. Outside of axiomatic principles, we no longer believe but prove. Christianity does not invite us to stop thinking; quite the contrary. Not thinking is recognised as very dangerous. Our two axioms are that God exists and that the Bible is inspired by God. They are solidly founded on reflections that can be consulted here: “The Proof That God Exists” and “The Proof That the Bible is Inspired by God,” as well as on daily manifestations of God in our lives. Thus, my relationship with Jesus Christ is living and real, not just a belief in a text read in the Bible. I can say, as some people said to the woman in the Bible, John 4:41-42: “And many more believed because of his own word; 42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” And I would like everyone to say the same. Rather than staying in grand, uninteresting speeches without experimentation, make the testimony of their life in Christ.
  9. Do you think that man is the center of the world as creationism advocates? Do you believe that the human species is special? Does man have a special place in humanity? A: I do not know which creationism you are referring to, and these questions are of very little interest to my daily life and my salvation. Questions that have no practical interest, present or future, I prefer not to discuss. Ask the author of the creationism you refer to and its followers. The creationism I know says that man was created by God without making him the center. You speak of man’s place in humanity as if there is humanity without man or man without humanity. These questions have little meaning and no interest to me. In the end, I must clarify that I do not discuss for the sake of discussing, nor do I consider convincing as an end in itself. If I honestly tell someone that I am at home with my child and we talk every day, and they start a discussion to show me that I do not have a child, I would simply consider them a fool and move on. The same applies to all those who delight in discussing divine reality without having taken the time to understand and explain its manifestations in our lives and the thousands of testimonies as if their denial of reality makes that reality disappear. Remember only that the lack of proof for one thing is not proof of its opposite. Our relationship with God is not bookish; it is real, effective, and manifested. Lastly, I like to be concrete. If you have another option that provides all the benefits listed regarding Jesus Christ, bring it to the table. Otherwise, remember that we do not exchange the greater for the lesser. If you are content to be a slave to sin, Jesus Christ has freed us. Just remember, the end of these things is death. I reiterate here through two voices, and from a perspective that clearly links the Old and New Testaments, the true message of Christianity, the genuine Christianity, to listen to know better before discussing: Conversion to Christ.