John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Proverbs 3:21-22 “21 My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: 22 So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.”

Titus 2:11-13 “11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.


Do you know the true message of the gospel? Are you against Christianity? Do you doubt God or the Bible? Do you want the truth about various topics addressed by Christian denominations, or do you seek more arguments to defend your positions? Do you need help? Would you like to regularly receive sermons and Bible studies? You are in the right place!

Find below, according to your profile (Christian, Atheist, Kamite, Muslim, Catholic, follower of a revivalist church, threatened by mystical death or under a curse…), the path indicated for you to consult the resources of this site.

You can immediately access many documents on the downloads page and the forums on the FAQ page. We invite you to explore this vast free library.

Whatever your profile, we invite you to discover true Christianity, far from what has too often been taught and what many fight against or adopt, mistakenly thinking it is Christianity, by reading the article The True Gospel Message. The summary should suffice, but if you wish, you can read the full article. Then consult the articles The Prayer of Repentance and The Ten Commandments of God. To strengthen your understanding of Christianity, listen to the audio links found on the Conversion in Christ page. Many people think they are Christians and have salvation when they do not. Many of those who oppose Christianity mainly oppose false Christianity and false Christians. Discover here what true Christianity is and check if that is what you have been taught.

If you think you are a Christian, after the recommended readings for all profiles, we suggest you proceed to The Foundations of Christianity and read in order what you have not yet read, starting with The New Birth. Also read The Trinity, Unitarianism. Then, you can return to the downloads page to explore other topics that you can consult based on your concerns.

If you are an Atheist, or if you doubt the existence of God as presented by Christians, read The Proof That God Exists, then The Proof That the Bible Is Inspired by God. Also read what is recommended above for all profiles.

If you are a Kamite or traditionalist, read the elements presented above for all profiles to understand true Christianity. Read The Proof That the Bible Is Inspired by God, then answer the questions in Traditionalists vs. Christianity. You can then consult the downloads page or the FAQ to get answers to various questions that often make you fight what you believe to be Christianity because you have good questions but wrong answers.

If you are Muslim, start with what is defined for all profiles to better understand Christianity. Then try to address the concerns expressed in the article Islam, Christianity, and Salvation. Next, analyse the article Christianity for Muslims v3.0. Finally, you can read the article The Trinity, Unitarianism to understand the Christian conception of the person of God.

If you are Catholic, start with what is defined for all profiles above to better understand Christianity. Then analyse the article Catholicism and Antichrist, and finally the article Analysis of Prayers to Mary. Also, read what is recommended above for those who think they are Christians.

If you are from a so-called revivalist or Pentecostal church, start with what is defined for all profiles above to better understand Christianity. Then read How to Recognise the False Prophet (which also applies to false pastors), and then read Tithes and Offerings. Also, read what is recommended above for those who think they are Christians.

If you are threatened by mystical death or under a curse, consult the elements mentioned above for all profiles. Then, after carefully reading the article The Prayer of Repentance and ensuring that you meet the conditions for repentance, make the prayer of repentance sincerely. If you have not yet been baptised in water by a true servant of God, someone who does not live in sin, seek someone who can baptise you and get baptised. You can contact us if you have no one to do it. You should also share your concerns with this person, who can also pray for you. Note that prayer without your own repentance is of little use, and without true baptism, you remain exposed. To learn more about deliverances from bonds and curses, consult the section “Precisions on Telegram” in the article Bible Studies.

For every Christian, if you are not born again, remember this word of Jesus Christ: John 3:3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Contrary to what many think, being born again is not limited to water baptism. To learn more, discover here what the new birth is: Remember, without being born again, claiming to be a Christian will not save you. Thank you for inviting others to visit this site to help them gain a better understanding of Christianity, God, and His will, and thus contribute to their happiness and salvation.