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June 24, 2024

The early Christians, to our knowledge, never celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). What Jesus Christ asked to be done in His memory is the Holy Communion, which refers more to His death than to His birth (His body broken for us, His blood shed for us).

If Christmas were a Christian holiday, it would be associated with repentance and baptism, with the fear of God. But it is a festival of indulgence, a time when many girls lose their virginity, attend orgies, spend the night away from home, and guys become alcoholic, etc. We do not offer Bibles or knowledge of God, but instead perpetuate the lie of Santa Claus and the birth of Jesus on this day, which is served to children. How can we base a holiday on lies and claim it comes from God?

When the child later discovers that it was a lie, they are told that the date was just chosen arbitrarily. But why wasn’t this told from the beginning? It is said that the date was chosen freely, which is another lie. Why not clearly state that it is the date of a pagan festival? It is like the feast of August 15th (Assumption), which apparently corresponds to the date when a king in the Bible proclaimed his own festival day (15th day of the eighth month) in defiance of the festival day defined by the Lord (15th day of the seventh month). By celebrating this day, do we honor the Lord or this king? By celebrating Christmas on the date of a pagan god’s festival, we are merely integrating paganism. A Christian SHOULD NOT engage in these practices.

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