June 24, 2024

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June 24, 2024

Here are some elements to identify false churches:

  • A church that primarily emphasises tithes and offerings rather than sanctification
  • A church that does not consistently invite its members to live a life of righteousness and holiness
  • It gives more authority to itself than to the Word of God
  • It does not administer the sacraments correctly, particularly water baptism
  • It maintains the worship of statues, idols, angels, and prayers to the dead
  • It is established by false apostles or false prophets
  • False pastors are the most visible element of its clergy
  • It promotes spirituality, spiritism, and fetishism
  • Its leaders are appointed by votes among humans
  • It tries to separate members from their families, creating for the pastor an authority superior to that of spouses in families
  • It associates with other obviously false churches and does not denounce them
  • It does not preach repentance, water baptism, or the kingdom of heaven
  • It primarily emphasises in its preaching earthly prosperity, money, or similar concerns that are essentially carnal
  • It preaches the weakness of the flesh to justify a life of iniquity
  • It indulges in supposed Christian pagan festivals

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