Bible study

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Bible Studies

If you came here to see the prayer of repentance, go to the end of this page to the section titled PRAYER OF REPENTANCE. If you are here to consult publications related to Christian life or to access groups on social networks (WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer, etc.), follow the instructions below.

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Discover the true message of the gospel and the SECRET of EFFECTIVE PRAYER here:

Note: It is recommended to read the entire text without looking up the references, then go back to the points of doubt and look up the references as explained at the end of the text.


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Links to Channels for Various Teachings on Christian Life Online

Amazon Music:
On Amazon, do not try to identify yourself or sign up; you can directly choose the audio you want to listen to and click on it. On other sites, you need to sign up.


Amour; Royaume et Justice de Dieu | Podcast on Spotify



IMPORTANT: Other channels, such as YouTube, use smaller audio files, which saves on data. Moreover, you can continue to listen without being on the corresponding page, even on the phone.

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The Telegram channel allows you to have both audio files and books and articles in PDF format. Once on the page, you will probably need to install Telegram if you haven’t already.

To automatically receive notifications on new publications, while on your phone or in Telegram desktop, click on the group name at the top (amour, royaume…), then click on the subscribe link that appears on the right.

You can ask a question or react to an element via the “leave a comment” link.

Not all publications are there yet, but they will be gradually posted on this page.

You can directly find here a partial and thematic list of teachings available on Telegram:

Similarly, you will find teachings on deliverance, breaking curses, and bonds:


The first link contains the themes of the audios contained in the second link. The audios part_16 and part_17 contain prayers that you can use after or during your repentance. You can initially listen, then pray with them afterwards.


John 3:3 :
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Here is the link to my YouTube video on what the new birth is, a mandatory step for every Christian for salvation:

After the Teaching on the New Birth The teachings from the Sermon on the Mount are fundamental for every Christian and should be listened to. Similarly, teachings on the temptation of Jesus, on forgiveness, and judgment are also crucial.

Link to the first part of the partial videos on the new birth (if you want to follow in multiple phases (six videos (part 1 to part 6)):


Lord God, I invoke you in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your love, thank you for your mercy! I have been distant and rebellious to the salvation you granted me through your Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. My ancestors from my paternal and maternal lineage, and I have sinned, through our disobedience in actions and our evil thoughts, by turning to other gods, spirits, the dead, magicians, astrologers, idols, by practicing immorality, and by walking far from your righteousness and justice.

I deeply regret this past of sin and rebellion; I repent for my sins and those of my ancestors, forgive me, O God! and let the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse me from all sin, all bonds, and all curses resulting from my sins or those of my ancestors. O God! Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me.

I renounce every covenant I have made that is contrary to your ways, every covenant I have been involved in through relatives, parents, or any other person, and I ask for forgiveness. I also forgive those who have offended me and renounce any idea of personal vengeance against them. I receive the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior, and I commit to following Him all the days of my life. Lord Jesus Christ, save me, deliver me!

In the name of Jesus Christ, I cancel upon myself and my life the impact of every bond, every demonic consecration, every curse concerning me. I cast out every demon or spirit that oppresses or possesses me! I enter into the love of God and the peace of Christ, I love you, oh my God! I commit to seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

O Lord, manifest your presence, grant me your Holy Spirit, and let Him be my guide. May the Lord Jesus Christ live in me and give me a better knowledge of you and serve you, Amen!”

After this prayer, you can join the group on Telegram

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