What are really our Tradition

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To all opponents of Christianity, I will tell you the conditions under which I might consider discussing whether it is necessary to be a Christian or not. These are also the conditions for following your videos and teachings against Christianity.

I. First, you must answer “yes” to the following questions:

  1. Does your god condemn those who walk in love for their neighbor and in justice because they are Christians? Does he condemn those who manifest the fruits of the Spirit described below because they are Christians? (See Galatians 5:22-24: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”)
  2. Do you have peace where you are? Permanent peace? Without any worry about your present and future?
  3. Do you walk in love for your neighbor? Do you love your neighbor as yourself? Is hatred far from your heart?
  4. Do you hate injustice? Iniquity? Do you stay away from it?
  5. Do you proactively show kindness to your neighbor?
  6. Do you have the promise of eternal life?
  7. Have you successfully passed my logic test (I will send it to you, and I will correct your answer)?
  8. Do you now know the difference between correlation and causality, and can you illustrate it? See the following link if you don’t know the difference: Link https://www.journalducameroun.com/analyse-de-la-validite-des- classements-et-application-au-classement-des-universites-lexemple- camerounais/
  9. Do you know the difference between written words and an allegory?
  10. Do you know the definition of a child of God or a Christian according to Christ in the Bible? Can you give it? Do you use this definition of Christian in your debates?
  11. Do you know how Christ asked Christians to behave towards their neighbor and violence according to the Bible?
  12. Do you know what sign Christ gave in the Bible to recognize Christians? Can you recall it?
  13. Do you use this sign to recognize them?
  14. Do you walk in respect for the laws of your god?
  15. Does your god protect you?
  16. Do you know how to get rid of bad faith in your discussions? What criteria do you use to establish that you are not acting in bad faith?
  17. Can you recall what the Bible says are the conditions to benefit from God’s promises and those to be under His wrath?
  18. Do you know people who fulfill these conditions and say they do not have access to God’s promises?
  19. Have you proven that black people have respected these conditions to be able to ask God why they suffer?
  20. Is God racist? Is He African? Is He for Africans in particular?
  21. Can your god confront Christ in a demonstration of spirit and power?
  22. According to the Bible, did Christ announce false prophets?
  23. Does the existence of counterfeits prevent the existence of the real thing?
  24. Were your gods and your spirituality present when you were colonized? Why don’t you blame them for their non-defense?
  25. After more than 5000 years of your spirituality, you have not been able to defend yourselves against the invader, nor produced appreciable technology despite your internal wars. Why would Christianity suddenly be responsible for all your woes in less than 200 years as you see it?
  26. Why did Christianity not prevent the development of Westerners, who also did not have Christianity as their base religion (it is also an imported religion for them), and would have prevented only yours?
  27. Is it Christianity that asks you to be wicked, thieves, unjust, corrupt, … known factors of underdevelopment?
  28. In 5000 years, your spirituality has not been able to produce great technology; why would it suddenly do so now?
  29. Do you know the traditions of your ancestors? Can you describe them?

Note: note that Christ does not need to exist for you to answer my questions about Him, as I clearly say “according to the Bible.”

**II. When you have answered all this well, note that before discussing anything else, you must tell me what problem you have with the message of the Gospel, not with the Bible. And for that, you must recall the message of the Gospel that bothers you. Otherwise, in my eyes, you are just part of those who reject the Scriptures because they testify that their works are evil.

**III. If you answer “yes” to all this, then we will see how to confront the God of Jesus Christ with your god or your spirituality in a demonstration of spirit and power and not long discussions. Elijah did not debate with the prophets of Baal, nor Peter with Simon the magician, nor Paul with Elymas the sorcerer. God is unique and is called by various names in different languages. Christ gave the right criterion to recognize those who know Him, and this criterion is not the proclamation of faith in Jesus Christ.

However, if you answer “no” to some questions, it means we cannot discuss, or your spirituality holds no interest for me. We speak of the kingdom and justice of God, not spirituality. We speak of love, peace, and eternal life, not spirituality. We stay in truth and logic, not in bad faith and illogic. Let’s avoid the art of being off-topic or leaving the important for the accessory.

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